The Problem
In our city there are countless women who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. They support their addiction through prostitution. Most get to this point through a trauma they endured, sometimes beginning in childhood. They begin abusing substances to numb their pain, self-medicating at an early age. Eventually the problem becomes so severe, they can’t see a way out. Along the way they endure horrendous abuse and severed relationships. Many are homeless and have no one they can depend on.
People in the community often have the impression that if a woman is in this position, she made mistakes to get there and she needs to figure a way out on her own. The truth is the problem becomes entirely too complex for her to manage on her own. She needs compassion and a community to love her, to patiently walk with her through the long, difficult journey to recovery.
Our Solution
We connect with our sistas through out the week, showing them kindness and building trust.
Drop In Center
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, our drop in center is open for our sistas to share a meal together, take a shower, wash their clothes, and relax.
We continue to engender trust with our sistas, and enhance their motivation for change.
Lotus House
When a sista is ready to make a break from her past, we invite her to stay at our guest house while she waits for an opening in a detox center or rehab program.
While in our guest house, we help our sistas develop a long term plan for getting off the streets and staying off the streets for good.
We walk alongside our sistas throughout the course of their transformation, helping them to get back on their feet after they have completed their program.
We need your help.
Sista 2 Sista is raising money to fund the Lotus House, a temporary home for women who want to escape drug addiction and prostitution.
Make a difference in the lives of our sistas by donating today.